محل تقطیر الحاقی
First-generation sugarcane processing takes place in autonomous distilleries or sugar mills with annexed distilleries; in the latter, hereafter referred simply as annexed distilleries, a fraction of the sugarcane juice is diverted for sugar pro- duction and the remaining fraction, along with the molasses (impure solution of sugars that remains after sucrose crystallization), is used for ethanol production.
In the most common scenario, annexed distilleries operate using half of the sugarcane juice for sugar production and the other half, plus molasses from sugar production process, is used for bioethanol production.
rst unit operations in the processing of sugarcane, in either autonomous or annexed distilleries, are comprised basically by reception and cleaning of the sugarcane, cane preparation and juice extraction, in which bagasse and juice are separated.
For annexed distilleries, concentrated juice is mixed with an appropriate volume of ?
From the results presented in Table 7.2, it is possible to notice that sugar and ethanol production for the standard and optimized annexed distilleries are very similar.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران